
WebRTC 標準也會涵蓋透過 RTCPeerConnection 傳送任意資料的 API。方法是在傳回 RTCDataChannel 物件的 RTCPeerConnection 物件上呼叫 createDataChannel()

const peerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection(configuration);
const dataChannel = peerConnection.createDataChannel();

遠端對等端可監聽 RTCPeerConnection 物件的 datachannel 事件,以接收資料管道。接收到的類型為 RTCDataChannelEvent,且包含 channel 屬性,代表對等端之間連線的 RTCDataChannel

const peerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection(configuration);
peerConnection.addEventListener('datachannel', event => {
    const dataChannel = event.channel;


用戶端必須先等待資料開啟,然後才能傳送資料管道。方法是監聽 open 事件。 同樣地,當任一邊都關閉頻道時,就會發生 close 事件。

const messageBox = document.querySelector('#messageBox');
const sendButton = document.querySelector('#sendButton');
const peerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection(configuration);
const dataChannel = peerConnection.createDataChannel();

// Enable textarea and button when opened
dataChannel.addEventListener('open', event => {
    messageBox.disabled = false;
    sendButton.disabled = false;

// Disable input when closed
dataChannel.addEventListener('close', event => {
    messageBox.disabled = false;
    sendButton.disabled = false;


RTCDataChannel 上傳送訊息時,呼叫 send() 函式會使用您要傳送的資料。這個函式的 data 參數可以是字串、BlobArrayBufferArrayBufferView

const messageBox = document.querySelector('#messageBox');
const sendButton = document.querySelector('#sendButton');

// Send a simple text message when we click the button
sendButton.addEventListener('click', event => {
    const message = messageBox.textContent;

遠端對等端會監聽 message 事件,以接收 RTCDataChannel 上傳送的訊息。

const incomingMessages = document.querySelector('#incomingMessages');

const peerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection(configuration);
const dataChannel = peerConnection.createDataChannel();

// Append new messages to the box of incoming messages
dataChannel.addEventListener('message', event => {
    const message = event.data;
    incomingMessages.textContent += message + '\n';